Created and narrated by René Redzepi, the esteemed chef and co-owner of world-renowned restaurant Noma, “Omnivore” takes viewers on an immersive journey into the world of food, exploring the profound beauty and intricate complexities of the human experience through the lens of the key ingredients that connect us all.
Each episode of “Omnivore” celebrates the cultivation, transformation and consumption of eight of the world's most essential ingredients, including bananas, chilies, coffee, corn, pork, rice, salt and tuna, revealing how they serve as the cornerstones of global cultural heritage. Redzepi and Emmy Award-winning executive producer Matt Goulding (“Anthony Bourdain: Explore Parts Unknown”) guide audiences on a globe-spanning odyssey, unveiling intricate stories behind the ingredients that have shaped societies, cultures, beliefs and the course of human history. The series takes viewers to destinations around the world, including Denmark, Serbia, Thailand, Spain, Japan, Djibouti, Peru, South Korea, France, Colombia, India, Bali, Rwanda and Mexico, as well as locations throughout the United States. In each episode, Redzepi and various series contributors offer an intimate exploration of culinary traditions, showcasing local efforts to honor, conserve and protect Earth’s offerings.arrator: Matis had fially foud the secret to excellece of self, he mid-blowig power of patiece.旁白:螳螂终于找到了超越自我的秘诀,耐心带来的无与伦比的力量。—————功夫熊猫之盖世五侠的秘密
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2.58G HD1080P + 1.9GB BD720P + 4.4GB BD1080P 粤国双语音轨 剧情在香港法庭类港剧里面比较常见了,但加入90年代初的任达华和叶玉卿,自然必须要来点情色元素,尺度其实不大,虽然有露点,但多半都是擦边球,难得任达华角色还挺正面,毕竟还有吴君如嘛,有兴趣可以看看~
看了第一集辣椒,太好看了!!想给一万颗星。泰国的部份有一点做作的嫌疑,但最后一节回到noma在最后一个素食季 serve 丹麦魔鬼辣算是call back泰国主厨这里做爱的比喻,然后我笑+辣得…眼泪掉下来,好奇这纪录片会重拍吗还是拍到啥是啥 lol。塞尔维亚农村跟我们农村也蛮像的,tabasco 有3年陈酿的时间,从采摘到做成辣椒酱竟然需要5年///有比 parts unknown 更上一层的感觉,看过 Anthony Bourdain个人的纪录片之后我有点抵触看,一是重复二是在了解他晚年之后再看年轻时候的剧集我忍不住代入
制作精良 画面拍摄剪辑的让人非常舒服