(2016) - 2016英国纪录片电影
- 类型:纪录片语言:英语地区:英国
- 导演:Pierre·Deschamps
- 演员:Dan·Carter,Sean·Fitzpatrick,Eddie·Jones,Greig·Laidlaw,Nigel·Owens,Agustin·Pichot,哈里王子
- 上映日期:2016更新日期: 2024/7/23
- 片长:91分钟
- 豆瓣评分:
XV Beyond The Tryline takes you behind the scenes to understand what the sport of Rugby means to everyone who touches the game. With the bac kdrop and access point of the Rugby World Cup, it's a unique look at the big sport that's built around a big family of characters; from player, coach, referee, fan, groundsman, physio, parent, and even a Prince. What is it about the sport that unites us? What is it about the sport that drives such passion? With captivating and rare insight from the likes of Prince Harry, Jonny Wilkinson, Dan Carter and Eddie Jones, XV Beyond The Tryline is your ticket inside the everyday integrity, incredible brotherhood and values behind the greatest team sport in the [email protected]电影改编自乔治奥威尔的经典同名小说。—————动物农庄
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2.58G HD1080P + 1.9GB BD720P + 4.4GB BD1080P 粤国双语音轨 剧情在香港法庭类港剧里面比较常见了,但加入90年代初的任达华和叶玉卿,自然必须要来点情色元素,尺度其实不大,虽然有露点,但多半都是擦边球,难得任达华角色还挺正面,毕竟还有吴君如嘛,有兴趣可以看看~
1.6GB HD720P + 2.7GB HD1080P 西班牙语中英双字 一系列的根据超级英雄起源系列漫画而制作的连环杀人案件,翻译是真的累,里面涉及到了很多的漫画人物,整体故事还不错,最后的剧情反转也恰到好处,至于动作就不要在意那么多了,毕竟这部电影是偏喜剧类型的。