(2014) - 超自然惊悚片
- 类型:恐怖语言:英语地区:美国
- 导演:QuinnSaunders
- 演员:KatrinaLaw,LiliBordán,JodyQuigley
- 上映日期:2014-10-10更新日期: 2024/11/1
- 片长:95分钟
- 豆瓣评分:3.4豆瓣短评
幽灵是一个超自然惊悚片,探索的主题是爱、死亡和心灵的脆弱。道格的未婚妻罗莉死于一场车祸后,他来到他们当年一起呆的农舍来怀念他的未婚妻,在他们多年的记忆中试图摆脱悲伤。然而道格意识到他并不是独自返回的。在他不断了解这座农舍的悲惨历史下,各种超自然的事件让他担心他还能不能保持他的理智。而他将要去揭露一个罗莉带进坟墓的秘密。 渐渐地他难以判断他所看到的是不是真实的,道格找到了杰米,当地的一个研究生。随着他们的友谊的加深,旧农舍的恐怖事件也在不断发生。
1.污秽的人类啊!总有一天 你们会知道我的痛苦和怨恨。Disgusting little creatures,soon all of you will feel my hate... and suffer as I have suffered.
2.人都会死的,只不过是早晚的问题 何必太伤感呢。My point is, everybody dies.Some now, some later. From brothel girl to Emperor.
3.那疤痕一旦渗入骨头 便会带来极大的痛苦。The infection will spread throughout your whole body, bone and flesh alike.
4.无所不在的神啊,我祈求您请勿召唤荒芜之神前来。O nameless god of rage and hate,I bow before you.
5.千万别小看那年轻人的力量。You must not make light of the boy's strength.
6.山兽神掌管生杀大权,生命的救赎与否完全由它决定,你们忘了吗?The Forest Spirit gives life and takes life away.Life and death are his alone,or have you boars forgotten that?命运是任何人也无法改变的,但他可以决定是等死或是面对。You cannot alter your fate, my prince,However,you can rise to meet it,if you choose.
7.他们的交通工具就是鹿,武器就是弓箭,就跟你一样。Have you ever heard of the Emishi people? They're said to ride red elks.They also use stone arrowheads just like you.
8.我不管你是鬼还是神,请不要伤害我的村庄。Whatever you may be, god or demon, please leave us in peace!
9.即使全军覆没,也要让人类知道我们族人是多么勇敢。Even if every one of us dies,it will be a battle the humans will never forget.
10.希望它能够保佑你一路平安,就好像我的心跟你紧紧相连。Please, keep it with you, brother, to protect you.You must take it with you.Please, I want you to have it.
11.若你也知道我的痛,就请不要杀她,她是唯一把我们当人看待的,她不仅亲手清洗我的腐肉还用布帮我仔细的包扎。But you must not take your revenge on Lady Eboshi.She is the only one who saw us as human beings.We are lepers.The world hates and fears us, but she took us in and washed our rotting flesh and bandaged us.
12.我们为了保护森林而杀人类。We are here to kill the humans and save the forest.
13.上一次来的时候 这里还是个可爱的村庄呢,洪水、火灾加上土石流不知道死了多少的村民。When I came here last, a few years back, this was a lovely little village.But then there must have been a flood or a landslide or a fire.The only sure thing is that everybody's dead.
14.若不是遭受了粉身碎骨、肝肠寸断、痛不欲生的苦楚,山猪也不会变成邪魔。This is what hurt him so.It shattered his bones and burned its way deep inside him.This is what turned him into a demon.
15.我们不愁吃不愁穿,又没有臭男人摆架子。Here we get to eat as much as we want,and the men don't bother us!
16.就算山里有宝藏,大伙儿也只能望山兴叹了。Nothing to do but sit around on our backsides for months, starin' at a bunch of angry boars.Mm-hmm.
17.我穿山越岭想要寻找有关于邪魔的线索没想到却在半途跟丢了。I followed its trail westward through the mountains to where the samurai,were attacking those villagers.
18.你不但夺取了山神的森林,还使山猪变成了邪魔,现在还想要用石火箭再产生新的仇恨跟诅咒吗?First you steal the boar's forest from him,and then transform him into a demon.Now you're making even deadlier weapons!How much more hatred and pain do you think we need?
19.放心,我不会告诉别人你的背景,俗话说拿人的手短,吃人的嘴软嘛。Don't worry. I won't tell anyone where you're from.Anyway, I've got much bigger fish to fry.
男主应该是在未婚妻死后得了精神分裂 杀死了新女友 似乎是被诅咒的房子影响的 情节比较老套
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